Why I Just Published A Book.

Why I Just Published A Book.JPG

I got a call from a friend Heather Manzano asking if I’d write a book for their team and tribe, Empowered Living.

I was intrigued by the offer, but I was also very busy serving our Freedom Church family and traveling to coach churches and leaders-not to mention being all-in raising our two boys with Anna.  

I immediately had to wrestle down my own limiting beliefs:

·      “Who am I to teach people these principles?”

·      “I haven’t reached my personal and financial potential yet?”

·      “I’m not some prolific author yet.”

·      “I have another book that is almost done and needs to be finished.”

·      “I just finished my degree and need a break from writing!”

·      “If I do this, I’m probably going to get flack from religiously critical people thinking I’ve somehow sold out to a superficial ‘prosperity Gospel.’” 

·      “What if I pour scores of hours into this project and it doesn’t actually grow wings and fly?”

My friend explained to me, “We need a biblical perspective on Napoleon Hill’s Best-selling Classic, Think & Grow Rich. We want to help people of faith not “throw the baby out with the bath water” when it comes to receiving the powerful truth this book offers.

She was right.

There absolutely was a need.

Many times the anointing or revelation we need the most is the same one we resist the strongest!

Hill’s book is listed as one of the all-time best-selling books in human history! Some accounts say that it has sold over 100-million copies, putting it in the Top 10 all-time published book list!

In the past, I heard Truett Cathy, a devote Christ-follower, billionaire, and founder of Chick-fil-A say that Napoleon Hill’s book changed his life.

Image Credit: Scottwozniac.com

Image Credit: Scottwozniac.com

I also heard John Maxwell, the #1 leadership guru and incredible man of character and faith in Christ, say that Think & Grow Rich was in his all-time, top-10 most influential books.

Image Credit: johnmaxwell.com

Image Credit: johnmaxwell.com

They had my attention.

I think God was getting my attention.

I knew I’d have to do a deep-dive into Hill’s book to not only read it for myself, but to understand it at a level which I could teach it and even try to translate it for my Christ-following friends.

I was nervous I wouldn’t be up-to-par.

I was anxious I’d be shot at by the firing squad of religious thinkers.

But I knew I was supposed to take on this challenge.

I was in.

And, selfishly, I knew that I’d not only be able to help countless others grow, I’d probably grow the most in the process!

But I thought, “Now what?” “Where do I even begin?” I was taught, “Get the ‘how’ out of your life!”

PRO TIP: When you feel paralyzed with an idea or dream, don’t try to figure out all the steps. Don’t build some elaborate plan that you’ll never do. It can be deceptive for someone like me to think an elaborate plan is action. Action is action.

Friend, I’m a planner but don’t let planning paralyze you into a life of inactivity and passivity.

Many times the baby step right in front of you is your next and best move!

“Too many dreams are dead on arrival. Your dream can’t grow in toxic soil. You have to learn to make your dream welcome.”

-Paul Martinelli

When we think of being hospitable we naturally think of being warm and welcoming to people. And that’s an amazing quality. We need MORE people in the world that embody those qualities.

However, here’s the crucial question, “Are YOU showing personal hospitality towards YOUR God-given destiny?

That may be the most valuable thought in this whole post.

Chew on that. Play with that. Wrestle with that.

I’ve discovered that my internal story is stronger than my external strategy.




The great news is that with the power of the Holy Spirit, the truth of God’s Word and choosing to intentionally surround yourself with growing mentors and voices in your life, you can edit your internal story!

I chose to do the best I could to welcome my dream.

I got help so that I would not let my limiting beliefs sabotage the welcoming process.

I’m happy to say that through many prayers, hours of work and a step of faith-this resource is now available on Amazon.


The book is The Biblical Companion Guide to Think & Grow Rich.

You can grab it here.

I think my mom bought enough copies to put me at #1 on the Hot New Release List…LOL!!


French, German and Spanish translations coming soon!

You can also access the e-course (video teachings for each chapter) here.


I’m so thankful for my partnership with Empowered Living on this project.

Thank you, Andrew Manzano & The Sound Tank for your phenomenal quality and intuitive care in capturing these teachings in your world-class studio!

You can grab the e-course and guided training videos on Think & Grow Rich taught by Paul Martinelli & Roddy Galbraith (Founding partners of Empowered Living) here.  

Image Credit: Christian Del Rosario

Image Credit: Christian Del Rosario

 Paul Martinelli, is one of the world’s leading mindset coaches and a man who has generated nearly half a billion dollars in business through his companies. He’s made more than enough money to simply retire on a beach somewhere, but he continues to invest his energy and expertise in helping to grow BIG people.      

Roddy Galbraith, besides being a partner in Empowered Living and a renowned faculty member of the John Maxwell Team, he owns Speaker Pro, a company designed to help communicators hone their craft, find their voice and exponentially grow their influence, impact and income. He’s easily one of the best communicators I’ve learned from and have ever met!  

So friend, I pray this book not only touches your heart but also challenges your mind.

Stop to think about this for a second!

Over 100 million copies of Think & Grow Rich have been sold since its first release in 1937.

·      How many of those copies were never read?

·      How many of the copies were partially read?

·      How many of Hill’s readers tried to apply the principles but failed to see the results he spoke of and quit?

I think the answer to each of those questions is FAR too many.

The principles we go after in this book have helped me bridge the gap between knowing, doing and being.

This journey is far more about mindsets than money.

It’s about your growth, but ultimately it’s about God’s glory.

Something that would go a long way in helping us with this launch: please take a moment and leave us an Amazon review.

I’d be super grateful.

Every review helps us get the message to more people.

Keep your eye out for my next book OVERCOME: Getting Past Your Past, Saying Goodbye to Shame, and Winning in the Tempting Moment of the Maybe which releases this April!

We’ll post a site soon where you can grab an advanced copy.

Be well my friend.  

Design Credit: ChelseaPhillips.co

Design Credit: ChelseaPhillips.co

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